
Story created by LIBRAKIND/HeadmasterTaxi
Site will be periodically updated with new information.

"Start of the Gods"

Astria, once existed as a single star in the universe, watched over planets, protecting them from any possible destructive force. These special types of stars looked like any other one you'd see in the night sky but were actual living beings with what humans would consider as "god-like" abilities. One planet, in particular, she became fond of, was Earth. She admired the diverse beings that lived on it, so she decided to give herself a new appearance through her powers to walk among these creatures. Her new form was mainly modeled after a particular species she enjoyed the most, the canine. She gave her a large wolf-like body, with antennae, saber teeth, and a tail comprised of stars.

She enjoyed watching the humans build all sorts of tools, devices, societies and seeing their close bond with their canine companions. Watching this caused an idea to come to her mind, she wanted to try to make a new species of her own. One that combined both man and canine. A shape-shifting race. She first wanted to see if she could even create new life, to begin with. Since she adored the canine creatures, so she used them as a basis for her first steps into creating life. She first decided to make other stars a physical being like her.

Her first attempt, which she named Grey due to their slate gray fur, came to life. They were very timid, and were very obedient to Astria, following out any order she gave them. They were swift, their movements mimicked the way comets flew throughout the sky. For that, they earned the title of Carrier of the Comets.

Her second attempt, who she named Pitch, due to his pitch black fur, came to life. He was a bit more rebellious than his counterpart, but had more of a bold and authoritative personality. His cold and mysterious personality intimidates folks, which gained him the title of Shadow of the Moon.

Her third and final attempt was Burgundy because of his dull reddish fur color. He was reckless, which caused Astria and the other two subordinates nothing but anguish and annoyance. His very volatile and dangerous behavior gained him the title of Wrath of the Sun.

"The Spiral"

The newly formed three were assigned to assist Astria in helping to create and maintaining her new race. After several tries trying to perfect it, the Hunderian race was created. They flourished for the next several decades, but this would not last for long. The humans grew weary of the Hunderians, unsure of their origins since it looked as though they just appeared out of nowhere, causing wars with them that raged on for the next couple hundred years. This crushed Astria's heart, who had hoped that they could have lived together in harmony for the centuries to come. This, however, angered Pitch and Burgundy. They wanted the humans wiped off the planet for causing harm to their "children" due to their beliefs of the Hunderians were seen as spawns from hell.The two wanted a new image, one that would reflect their hatred towards the humans. They renamed themselves, Pitch named himself Dark Helm, due to the black helmet he wore in battle, while Burgundy named himself Atumult due to the complete chaos he caused in his wake. The two soon joined alongside the Hunderians in the war against their "creator's" wishes, causing thousands of causalities with a single blow from their attacks.Astria couldn't handle the amount of destruction the two were causing. She had to do something. Something drastic.


She, with the help of her only loyal subordinate, Grey, defeated Helm by forcing him to remain as the guide for spirits in the purgatory-esque like realm where the deceased would be sorted to their final destination. They then banished Atumult, to the underworld, which was renamed to the Hollow Below. There, he is to keep in line all the awful souls who are sent there. Though Grey did not escape injury free; during their fight with Helm, they had lost an eye. This whole incident had saddened Astria greatly, having to punish the ones she held near and dear to such an extreme, she only wanted them to no longer harm the humans for she still had some compassion for them even though they had done nothing but horrible things to her creations.After banishing her two children, Astria became frantic. She wished that her creations would stop the fighting. But no matter how much she tried to influence them, the majority still wanted the humans gone.So she became reclusive. She had given up hope on the Hunderians, and kept herself distant from them, and Earth in general. She felt as though she had tainted the planet she so thoroughly enjoyed.Grey, being her only remaining companion now, stayed by her side.

Hunderian Info

Click on any of the buttons to learn more about Hunderians!


A Hunderian at first glance doesn't appear to look much different than a human. But there is several things about Hunderians that separate the two races.- For one: Hunderians are large.
The "human" form of Hunderians is usually tall compared to humans on average. Their height for an adult is normally between 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters) to around 6 feet 7 inches (2.01 meters). Though Hunderians shorter than that are possible, just not as common.
- Hunderians have the strength and speed that are greater than humans. The average measure of their power is around three to four grown adult men. When it comes to speed, the average is around 50 mph (80.47 kph), the fastest known to be around 65 mph (104.61 kph) by one of the former Tetrad members of Saraka.

- Another thing: Hunderians live longer than humans.
Hunderians have a longer life span, living around 120 to 150 years. A child grows up at the same speed as a human child, around age 20 being the point where they would stop growing as rapidly.
Their body would then start slowing to a crawl in terms of aging, looking the same relatively til around they get to 85 to 110 years old, where the Hunderian would then start showing signs of aging like wrinkles.
When it comes to their dog form, they start growing grey/white fur around their muzzles like actual dogs do when they get up in age.

- Relationship wise: Hunderians don't differentiate types of romantic/sexual relations. Terms used to define different sexualities don't exist for them, just being referred to as "a relationship". If a human were to come up to a Hunderian and call them "gay", they'd have no idea what they're talking about. This is because these terms/labels are purely a human concept, so Hunderians never use them since they don't know about them.

- Hunderians in their human/normal forms can communicate with dog sounds.
They can bark, growl, howl, and make all sorts of other noises. Sometimes it's necessary for certain events, like funerals or birthdays.


you found a secret!
not really
Hunderians experience "heat", named similarly to what some animals go through. But there's some extra bits.Male Hunderians experience rut. Actual dogs do not go through rut, but Hunderians do as sort of a balance to those who have to experience heat.A Hunderian in heat will experience a heightened sense of arousal. This period is also the only time a Hunderian could get pregnant.Hunderian pregnancy is similar to a human's, being around nine months to carry the child.

- The scent that comes from this could be masked. If someone's heat/rut is mild, specially-made scents can be sprayed to cover it. If it's more extreme, suppressants have to be taken.- Normally the first couple of days, it is just the scent that is released. After that, it functions more like a menstrual cycle. Heat happens every month and usually lasts around a week.- Rut is essentially the same, excluding menstruation.

- If a couple has been with each other for long enough and formed a strong emotional bond, their heat/rut cycles sync up. The scent released by them is stronger but is only detectable by their significant other.

Canine Form

- A Hunderian's canine form is what of course is the most iconic part of them. Their appearances resemble actual dog breeds that exist, though Hunderians don't refer to each other as those breed names.
The canine form's height is much larger than normal dogs, usually rivaling the height of their "human" form. This means that most Hunderians in their canine form are big enough to ride like a horse!

- The ability to transform onto the canine form is imbued with magical properties. They are able to transform into it at will, without the risk of clothing being destroyed. Things like hair colors and scars are translated to the canine form, but things like accessories can be brought over as well if the Hunderian wishes to.
Things like shedding do occur, so cleaning up around the house is a bit more demanding. Though when it comes to the growth of the fur, it isn't much of a concern. A Hunderian's fur grows at a similar pace as normal dogs, and who are "breeds" that have longer coats usually have them trimmed once the summer months come in.

- Things like the heightened sense of smell and hearing are translated over to the human form as well. It's not as strong as it would be in their dog form, but still about five times better than a human.


- All Hunderians have small levels of magical ability naturally. This is what is used for them to transform between their regular and canine forms, without risk of destruction of clothing or causing pain to the body.
However, those who wish to increase their magic abilities are able to through training. In order to do so, the first thing one has to do is to form a connection with the goddess Astria through communication. Once that is established, the person would practice through private teachings, whether it be from ancient books passed down, or from Astria herself.

- Magic-users who reach a certain level of prowess will have an unnatural eye color.

- A Hunderian with a higher level of magic can bend it to whatever they wish, as long as it is within the realms of the guidelines placed by Astria. One can increase their strength, form objects like tools out of aura or telekinesis. Though there are limits with magic, that are deemed forbidden for Hunderians to try to do:
-Using magic for any sort of crime
-Using magic to cause any sort of bodily harm
-Using magic to alter one's self out of selfish or malicious intent
Any Hunderian that is found to be using their abilities in this fashion gets branded with a mark on their body. It will essentially let anyone know that they aren't good people. This does end up making life hard for those who wish to better themselves, but can be removed if said person is able to redeem themselves.

- Sometimes, there are Hunderian magic users that use their powers in ways worse than those who simply have a mark. These people end up having their magic corrupting them, causing certain forms of deformities like changes in eye color or gnarly teeth. These changes are irreversible, so they become a permanent feature of their appearance.


Astria is the god of the Hunderians. It is common for people to talk to her on a daily basis about any issues they feel they just want to have handled. Though due to her guilt caused by the conflict, Astria doesn't do anything to help these folk. She's afraid to cause any more possible harm.

- In terms of what happens when a Hunderian dies, it depends on their actions in their lives, like in many other religions. There are two places one can go: Astria's Hearth, or the Hollow Below. When a Hunderian dies, their spirit will be brought by Dark Helm to a realm that resembles a crossroad in a white void. If they lived an overall positive, good life, Grey brings them to Astria's Hearth. They get to live a comfy life in a paradise-like place for the rest of eternity.Though, those who have done horrible deeds in their lives, Atumult comes and drags them down to the Hollow Below. These people don't get tortured or anything like that, but they are sent to wander a black void, where the only other thing they can see is other residents of the Hollow. Another main thing is that those who live here are focused to live with the pain from or the actual injuries/ailments they may have suffered at death.

- Spirits from the Hearth are allowed to occasionally roam the earth to interact with their loved ones. So they are never truly gone. Only so many can appear in the living world at a time, to prevent a sort of "imbalance" as Astria would say. But no one really knows what she means by this.

Afterlife Realms

There are no clear depictions of what the afterlife is due to the gods wanting it to remain a secret. But it doesn't stop those taking guesses as to what they would look like.

To the mortals, Astria's Hearth appears as an infinite palace that rests on a hill. From the outside, it looks like a regular place. But inside, it is endless, countless rooms and halls with all sorts of facilities in there.

Meanwhile, the Hollow Below is just an empty black void, filled with a red fog. Stones jut down from the ceiling, being the only visible thing. There's nothing there, just a bunch of mangled souls aimlessly wandering around in nothingness.In these realms, the gods can exist in their true forms.

Beliefs and Holidays

Despite having direct connections to the gods, Hunderians have developed their own beliefs and associations with Astria and them in the early years.

Grey's Flight
It's believed that whenever a comet flies in the night sky, it was Grey carrying it across in space like a chariot. They're known as the fastest of the three sub gods, so Hunderians felt that they were the only one capable of the speed that the comets fly at. While this initially was true, Grey caught word of this and wanted to humor the mortals.
One night in March hundreds of years ago, a massive meteor shower rained over that lasted for ten minutes. The sight startled and intrigued the humans who saw it, but the Hunderians believed Grey was putting on a show. After a few more years of this, the Hunderians figured this is a new yearly event and based a holiday around it.
Grey's Holiday is in the first quarter, during March.
People celebrate by setting up viewing spots around in the highest areas in or near their towns. Around 10 pm, the meteor shower starts, everyone gathers around and watches it. People would wave around sparklers and poppers when the show is over.

Atumult's Strength
It's believed that Atumult's pure anger towards the human race fuels the heat of the sun. He can be very explosive and dangerous, and his red fur gives off the feeling of fire. The angrier Atumult gets, the hotter the sun gets. July is when the sun is at its peak, so Hunderians joke that he hates the month of July. They wish to calm him down, by celebrating his honor in being their protector from the humans since it was initially him who wanted to free the Hunderians from the massacre.
Atumult's Holiday is in the middle of the year, during July.
People celebrate by adorning their doors, statues, or even themselves with replicas of his skull face for a week as tribute. Sometimes children will run around pretending to be Atumult with their little hand-made skulls and capes. Those who live in the southern hemisphere where it would be winter during July, pay tribute to Atumult for him to bring back the warmth soon.

Helm's Scorn
Dark Helm, despite not being the most dangerous of the gods, is the most ominous. He's believed to be the dark side of the moon due to his black fur. He is also the "gatekeeper" to the afterlife, so people can believe he can let spirits, even the vile ones, out whenever he wishes. The idea of this scares people, especially considering this has happened once before.
A dispute happened between Grey and Helm, and in response, Helm released some spirits out of the Hollow Below out of spite. It quickly turned sour, the spirits scaring the mortals by their appearance. Helm quickly wrangled them back to where they belong, but the event scarred the Hunderians, wishing to never let that happen again.
Helm's Holiday is in the last quarter of the year, during October.
People celebrate by decorating everything in violet and gold, and making specialty drinks since Helm enjoys alcohol the most out of the four. There's a particular drink called "Fang of Helm" that's made from several kinds of fruit juices and liquor. It's claimed to be made by Helm himself that Hunderians learned how to recreate it themselves for this holiday.

Astria's Gift
Astria is the Hunderian creator. She's a mother to all, and despite her faults, she is still very much loved. She's willing to help those who wish to better themselves in the world of magic and to lend an ear to those who want to vent. Astria wishes she could do more, but with the restrictions the council of gods placed, there is very little she can. But Hunderians like to think that she's helping in other ways, like bringing in the new year for them.
Astria's Holiday is at the end of the year, during December.
People celebrate by hosting parties to celebrate the new year, eating food and drinking champagne, setting off fireworks once the new year comes. People would sometimes give each other gifts as an appreciation for spending the year with them.

"The Council of Gods"

The Council of Gods is the collection of all the Gods that exist for planet Earth.

Each general group of species has a God that created them. Canines have their own, avians have one, reptiles have one, and so on.

Humans have their own God as well, but after some discourse with the human race due to interactions with them, the Council made a rule that forbids an excessive amount of communication with the earthly creations. Because of this, the humans grew to become curious as to how they came to be over time due to not really record recording at this point. The small instances in their God would appear made them believe that there is some sort of God, but that it was this one that created everything instead. This "confusion" is what caused religions to form due to many different beliefs sprouting from these encounters appearing in various different ways.

Astria was the newest God to come to power. The Council, not really knowing what else could be made, gave her free reign to try any existing ideas or whatever new ones she could come up with.

She was enamored by the relationship between dog and man, so much so that it inspired her to create the Hunderian race. But as it's already known, conflict stirred up with the humans. After this incident, the Council put its foot down. They allowed a bit of leniency for Astria to mess around, but it was now completely forbidden to interact with the mortals.Despite this new law, Astria, and her sub gods, speak with those on Earth in secret...

Society/Societal Norms

- Hunderian societies are kind of similar to how human ones are. They have stores, schools, facilities and the like that would appear very familiar to us. How their town structures were formed is not entirely known. Some say there were Hunderians who snuck into human societies and observing how things worked. Others say it's just parallel thinking. It's more than likely a combination of the two, plus assistance from humans who genuinely love to help.
Tensions towards humans have lessened a bit, but they still wish to stay in their separate bubbles due to still being wary of humans. Hunderians are very much aware of their modern destructive ways when it comes to things like the environment, other livings being, or even within their own kind.
Hunderians try to live in a more peaceful and healthier way, looking for more sustainable methods for creating and using certain things.

- There are several things that are specific to Hunderian life.
For one, their version of a barbershop, but combined with a "pet groomers".
While hair color changes are something that automatically transfers over to the canine form, hairstyles don't. A Hunderian can go to these salons to get a new hair cut in their regular form one day or come back to take care of their shedding fur in their dog form. So they're facilities that house hair/fur grooming services for both forms.

- Another thing, cropping is a thing among Hunderians.
Ear and tail cropping for pet dogs is a controversial and usually frowned upon topic with humans, but with Hunderians, it's a form of cosmetic surgery. There's no real benefit to having crops done, it's pretty much just because someone wants it done. Cropped ears can be seen as more intimidating looking, same as how humans feel with dogs.

- It's normal to see half of the Hunderian citizens in their regular form, while the other half is just roaming around in their dog form. It's easy to move around and do business in either form.

- Dog statues are common sights in a Hunderian town/city. Whether as giant monuments or as little home decorations.

Click here for more little societal differences!

Hunderian mayors

Every Hunderian town has a mayor that runs it. But the way they come into power is not the same way mayors in human civilizations would.Starting from Townsend Stensen of Saraka, the next mayor is pretty much passed down to the oldest child, kind of like a monarchy.

Do Hunderians not have a problem with this method?It sounds like it could be disastrous. Only the same family gets to stay in power without any new blood giving new thoughts and opinions on how things should work. But Hunderians are far more trusting of each other and are less prone to corruption than humans, so they tend to be content with this. They have this sort of thought "Well this family helped found this place, they should know what to do."

So all Hunderian societies work like this?It is possible for this to not be the way of acquiring new mayors. If the next in line wishes to not become mayor, the town/city can adopt the concept of elections, which would work similarly to how we know of them.

Hunderian Branding

When it comes to advertising, brands and such, a lot of it uses dog imagery. Whether it's anthropomorphic or regular quadraped, dogs are used a lot in branding. Sometimes their regular form is used, as well as other animals could be paired with dogs, but canines are the common subject matter.Below are a few examples of posters and logos that one would see in an average Hunderian town.

The Doberman and the Beagle logo

Jackel Clothing logo

Patchwork Pooch logo

Rowlanes Bowling logo

More Societal Norms

Allow me to just throw random lil stuffs at you
This list will grow with more ideas
Here's a silly little list of more things you'd find in a Hunderian city:

- chew toys are common stim items- get dental chew sticks and bones in the little bag you get after a dentist visit- cars built a little differently so you can have your passenger seat fold down to let someone ride in their dog form
- cars also either just convertibles or have bigger sun roofs for peak sticking your head out in dog form
- going through a pharmacy drive thru with your passenger in their dog form, you get a milk bone for them in the collection box :)- cafes have water fountains/troughs outside that accommodates dog forms- biscuits instead of lollipops in the doctor's office!!- pup cups for your dog child in the ice cream shop- kid harnesses are just more of a thing- playgrounds are a mix of regular ones and just things that look like a dog show agility course- lots of snacks are just bone or paw shaped- also bone/paw shaped pills/vitamins

City of Saraka

Created with Inkarnate

Saraka is the city the main story takes place in.It is a secluded city, surrounded by trees on one side, and water on the other. Despite it appearing to be shut off to the world, it's the most well-known Hunderian city for it being the innovator of Hunderian life. The first mayor was the one to spread the idea of forming the Tetrad. A lot of shipments to other cities come through Saraka through its ports. It is also the biggest Hunderian city. Hunderian towns/cities are smaller in comparison to human-made ones, mainly due to there still being a small amount of Hunderians left.
Though unfortunately, since the invasion, ships had to direct other port towns that were more out of the way, and the secludedness of the city made it easier for Reggie to block the outside world out.


While other Hunderian societies continue to function normally, the main city of Saraka was not fortunate in that regard. After Reggie took over, he formed a line of workers under him called "sweepers."

What is a sweeper?Sweepers are henchmen who patrol the streets of the city, doing a "sweep" of sorts, "cleaning up" any wrongdoing they come across.

There are two different kinds of sweepers: Patrol Sweeper and Business Sweeper.- Patrol Sweepers are the ones who walk the streets and enforce the laws set by Reggie. They are always seen in their dog forms, as it makes it easier to run around at fast speeds, intimidate and punish people through violence.- Business Sweepers are the ones who run stores, facilities, hospitals, and others things like that. They essentially control everything in the city, making sure things run the way Reggie wants. They're always in their regular form, due to them not needing to fight.

The most iconic piece of clothing on a sweeper is the helmet. They serve two major functions:
- Intimidation. The helmet covers the wearer's eyes, so it makes it harder to read their expressions. The bright red color also comes off as scary looking to those who see it, some say it reminds them of blood.
- Information. The helmets are more hi-tech than they look, storing a database inside them, containing information about all the citizens of Saraka. This is used to keep track of people, getting a better idea of how much resources people should receive according to their family size, and whatever else Reggie wishes.

How are Sweepers recruited?Sweepers are rarely recruited voluntarily. If they are, it is because they were at the risk of being punished by Reggie and basically begged to be spared by requesting to join him.A lot of the sweepers were brought in at the time of the invasion, threatened by Reggie to follow him or suffer an awful death.Another rare occasion is a person wishing to join because they either: 1. Feel safer being on the side of Reggie despite not agreeing with him or 2. Actually believing Reggie is in the right. Though the latter is very, very uncommon.

What about a sweeper's loved ones?Since these people pretty much are plucked away, their family and friends wonder what became of them. But considering the condition the city is in right now, they assume that their loved one has passed. And Reggie makes sure these people continue to believe that.

What Happened After That?

With their numbers greatly diminishing, the Hunderians had to hide from the humans, limiting their use of their transforming ability. They tried blending into human society, controlling their canine behavior, and masking any signs of them being 'non-human'. This little plan had worked for a number of years, but soon the humans were picking up odd quirks some of the citizens had, figuring out who was who, and started to commit a large slaughtering of the Hunderians. Their numbers dwindled, the surviving members fled and formed their own cities around the world to hide themselves away. The two groups remained to live separate to even now in present day.One city in particular, however, named Saraka, became the staple for all the Hunderians societies, due to the people living in such a well-organized and flourishing community. The governments of the other towns followed in its footsteps, wanting their citizens to live fulfilling lives. A man named Townsend Stensen, the mayor of said city had wanted to end the feud between the two races ever since he first established Saraka. He felt as though it was tiresome and ridiculous to in such fear every day, so he wanted to show humans that his race wasn't all bad, and vice versa to his fellow members. He decided that his city should set an example since Saraka was universally admired by the other towns, so it only seemed fitting.

Townsend's first step by forming a group of four trustworthy members of his council called The Tetrad to send this idea across many cities as well as protect Saraka. This became a tradition for the city, passing down many generations in the Stensen family up till the most recent member, Damien. Still keeping the idea alive, having his own Tetrad, and even being a part of the group himself. He soon wanted to end the tension between humans and Hunderians through educational projects. This made some citizens uneasy, and soon led to a series of events that caused Damien's eventual murder by the son of an old friend turned rival, and now current dictator of Saraka, Reggie Stolm.For the past almost 20 years, Saraka, once the most beautiful, thriving city out of all Hunderian societies, is now a barren wasteland, a hollow shell of its former glory. Technological advances in this city have halted, any sort of technology that can be seen as tools for delivering propaganda against the dictator has been removed from all places in Saraka, including mobile devices, televisions, radios, and any device similar to those. No one is allowed to enter the city, as well as no one is allowed to leave. Vehicles have also been removed as they are seen to provide ease for escaping the town. Sweepers, who are Hunderians appointed by Reggie himself, almost like his own version of the Tetrad, patrol the streets to see if anyone is violating any laws. Anyone who does is executed instantly, no matter how minor the offense may be. Citizens would even be executed if Reggie was "just simply bored of them" or "for his entertainment." As much as the people hated him, they feared him more so and were afraid to take any sort of action towards him, even the remainder of the Tetrad, who went into hiding after failing to protect their leader, were reluctant to do anything.

Except for Thomas Hotoke, the son of one of the remaining members of the Tetrad, who decides that something should be done about it…The story focuses on different characters' lives in the current situation of the city, with Thomas trying to overthrow Reggie as the primary storyline.

How is Hunderian being told?

The story is told in a visual novel-style way. It is not completely route-based like most, but choices are given to dead ends and for different dialogues to learn about different characters/events.The initial story of Hunderian was started back in 2009 but didn't start work as a visual novel until January of 2020.It is currently in production, if you wish to follow its progress, you can follow the accounts linked at the top of the page.
If you wish to aid the game's production, you can through the Ko-fi link! Any money would go to supporting myself as well any any costs related to making content for Hunderian. But you are not obligated to donate/pledge.
There is no estimated time for the full game to be completed, so no dates will be posted until the VN is about 95% or so completed. When it is completed, the "game" will be linked on this page for download. The story will be released in parts, Parts 1 through 4 will be posted separately, Part 5 will be released alongside the full polished story.Future storylines will most likely be done through comics. There's currently no set platform for it to be posted.

Part 1 of Hunderian VN on

Part 2 of Hunderian VN on

Part 3 of Hunderian VN on

Part 4 of Hunderian VN on

Hunderian News and Updates

This page is for general news and updates regarding the project.

UPDATE 11 (2/1/24):
The final part has started production! Follow the accounts above for more updates!

UPDATE 10 (1/18/24):
Part 4 is complete!! Play it at Hunderian Part 4

UPDATE 9 (12/1/23):
Part 4 is almost complete! Proofreading and adding music is being done!

UPDATE 8 (1/22/23):
Part 4 has started production! Follow the Kofi or Tumblr

UPDATE 7 (1/19/23):
Part 3 is complete!! Play it at Hunderian Part 3

UPDATE 6 (1/25/22):
Part 3 has started production! Follow the Kofi or Tumblr

UPDATE 5 (1/23/22):
Part 2 is complete!! Play it at Hunderian Part 2

UPDATE 4 (1/21/22):
Part 2 is nearly complete! Some final music additions and touch ups are needed to be done. The completed part will be publicly released soon!

UPDATE 3 (2/5/21):
Part 2 is in production! Follow the Kofi or Tumblr for more updates!

UPDATE 2 (2/4/21):
The first part of Hunderian is up and available to play.
Play here: Part one on

UPDATE 1 (1/26/21):
Part 1 is finished! Currently waiting to hear feedback on it to make the necessary changes for public release!
It will be hosted on

Hunderian Site Updates

This page is for listing all the new information that is posted onto this site! It's to make it easier to directly point it out instead of having people looking for it themselves.

UPDATE 9 (10/5/23):
All characters added, new "Characters" button added to footer
Site has a new custom domain!

UPDATE 8 (8/15/23):
New Sections Added: "The Characters of Hunderian" under Story (under construction)
"More Societal Norms" under Society

UPDATE 7 (5/24/23):
A new page called "Guide" has been added!

UPDATE 6 (7/20/22):
New Sections Added: "The Council of Gods" under Beliefs
"Canine Sounds" under Biology
"Hunderian Mayors" under Society

UPDATE 5 (6/1/22):
A new section under Society called "Hunderian Branding"

UPDATE 4 (5/31/22):
New Section Added: "Afterlife Realms" under Afterlife
New Image added to City of Saraka

UPDATE 3 (10/11/21):
A new section under Hunderians called "City of Saraka"!
"Sweepers" info moved here as well as the addition of the Saraka City Map.

UPDATE 2 (8/30/21):
New Section Added: "Sweepers" under Society

UPDATE 1 (8/15/21):
The carrdsite is in a finished presentable state!

A Mini Guide to Hunderians

An "in-universe" guide series hosted by Townsy! Exists as a video series!
It is an extremely abridged version of the website, so not everything here will be in this. This is just a fun side project to do!

The Characters of Hunderian

Here are the lists of the characters in Hunderian. All important/named characters will be shown here!
Click below whether you want to view all the protagonists, antagonists or the gods.

Hunderian Protagonists

Here is all of the characters introduced as protagonists in Hunderian. This list does not take into account if a character changes sides within the story.

Hunderian: Main

Hunderian: Prequels

Hunderian: Sequel

Hunderian: Misc.

Hunderian Antagonists

Here is all of the characters introduced as antagonists in Hunderian. This list does not take into account if a character changes sides within the story.

Hunderian: Main

Hunderian: Prequels

Hunderian: Sequel

Hunderian Gods

Felt that they should have their own section. Here are the gods of the Hunderians.

Name: Thomas Hotoke
Age: 39
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'11"
Breed: German Shepherd
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: October 31st
Personality Traits:
Family: Shigure Hotoke (brother), Hidori and Naomi Hotoke (parents)
Friend(s): Klaus
Love Interest: Rose Driscoll (girlfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Rose Driscoll
Age: 37
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'8"
Breed: Saluki/Tibetan Mastiff mix
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: February 4th
Personality Traits:
Family: Violet Driscoll (sister), Konnan and Aria Driscoll (parents)
Friend(s): Shigure Hotoke
Love Interest: Thomas Hotoke (boyfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Shigure (Gurei) Hotoke
Age: 41
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: German Shepherd
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: November 14th
Personality Traits:
Family: Thomas Hotoke (brother), Hidori and Naomi Hotoke (parents)
Friend(s): Rose Driscoll
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Klaus Sheridan
Age: Late 40's ?
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5' 11"
Breed: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Thomas Hotoke
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Hidori (Hido) Hotoke
Age: 73
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: German Shepherd
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: November 2nd
Personality Traits:
Family: Thomas Hotoke (son), Shigure Hotoke (son), Holden Hotoke (father)
Friend(s): Konnan Driscoll, Bernard Great, Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Naomi Hotoke (wife)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Konnan Driscoll
Age: 76
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'4"
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: May 28th
Personality Traits:
Family: Rose and Violet Driscoll (daughters), Joyce Driscoll (mother)
Friend(s): Bernard Great, Hidori Hotoke, Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Aria Driscoll (wife)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Zane Stensen
Age: 21
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'7"
Breed: Japanese Akita Mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Lance Stensen (brother)
Friend(s): Cassi Black, Nai
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Lance Stensen
Age: 21
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'8"
Breed: American Akita Mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Zane Stensen (brother)
Friend(s): Cassi Black, Nai
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Nai
Age: 20
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'5"
Breed: American Water Spaniel
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Zane, Lance
Love Interest: Cassi Black (girlfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Cassi Black
Age: 21
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'1"
Breed: Afghan Hound
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: December 21st
Personality Traits: calm, intelligent,
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Zane, Lance
Love Interest: Nai (girlfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Fathom
Age: 43
Gender: Male (he/him - afab)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: Standard Poodle
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: April 10th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Blue, Flame, Rochelle
Love Interest: Ickhart (boyfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Ickhart
Age: 45
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: Canaan Dog
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: August 13th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Blue, Flame, Rochelle
Love Interest: Fathom (boyfriend)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Rochelle
Age: 63
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'6"
Breed: Borzoi
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Blue, Flame, Fathom, Ickhart
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Flame
Age: 36
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'11"
Breed: Viszla
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Blue, Rochelle, Fathom, Ickhart
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Blue
Age: 40
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'9"
Breed: Shiba Inu
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: July 13th
Personality Traits: cocky, brash, confident
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Flame, Rochelle, Fathom, Ickhart
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Gloria Stone
Gender: Female (she/her)
Breed: New Zealand Huntaway
Personality Traits:
Family: Sigourney Stone (daughter)
Friend(s): Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Hogan Stone (husband)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: Gloria is the mayor of a neighboring Hunderian city, and is friends with Damien. She's often blunt, not afraid to say what she thinks is wrong or if she thinks something isn't going to work out. Sometimes it's really blunt, leaving her being called Stone Cold Gloria. But she can be kind of a jokester and would rather goof around with her friends than dealing with her responsibilities. But when it's business, she means business.

Name: Hogan Stone
Gender: Male (he/him)
Breed: English Pointer
Personality Traits:
Family: Sigourney Stone (daughter)
Friend(s): Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Gloria Stone (wife)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: Hogan is her husband, second in command in charge of the city. He's not the brightest, but has a good heart. He does a lot of his decision-making through his feelings rather than his thoughts. Gloria jokes that Hogan and Damien considering they have similar ways of solving things and level of intelligence. He's very down to earth and has a calm vibe to him when he talks, which makes him a very pleasant person to be around. Hogan loves wearing bright suits, especially his pink suits so a lot of people know him as The Man in Pink.

Name: Brutus Stolm
Gender: Male (he/him)
Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Personality Traits:
Family: Bruce and Reggie Stolm (sons)
Friend(s): Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Lesley Stolm (wife)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: This is Brutus! Father of Reggie and Bruce, and an old pal of Damien and the others. He's a very cold and uncaring person, often butting heads with everyone. He feels as though the city is no longer as great as it used to be under Damien's law, making him lose interest in being here. Why he associated with him for so long, no one knows. The only ones Brutus seems to care about is his family even though sometimes that can be called into question.

Name: Lesley Stolm
Gender: Female (she/her)
Breed: Siberian Husky
Personality Traits:
Family: Bruce and Reggie Stolm (sons)
Friend(s): Naomi, Laura, Aria, Sarah
Love Interest: Brutus Stolm (husband)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: This is Lesley, Reggie and Bruce's mother. She's pretty standoff-ish, only really wanting to be around her family. She pretends to nice to others just to not been seen as an asshole. But Lesley really just finds being around others to be unbearable, unless there's something to gain from it.

Name: Luke Walden
Age: Mid 30's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Hidori Hotoke
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: This is Luke! He is apart of Hidori's old patrol unit as his right hand. He sometimes has his moments of acting like he's inexperienced or just a bit of a goof. But Luke is extremely loyal and gets very excitable whenever he is asked to carry out a task that's deemed special.He just wants to do whatever to get the approval of Damien and them (especially Hidori), even though he doesn't have to. The group already like Luke.

Name: Hoyt Fulton
Gender: Female (she/it - amab)
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: Bellamy ("adoptive son")
Friend(s): Lafayette
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: Lafayette and Hoyt were two more of Bram’s lil workers, one he had even before reaching Saraka despite being fairly young at the time. These two were entrusted to watch over and hide Bellamy after his transformation due to Bram not wanting his wife and other close workers knowing he experimented on someone so young.Hoyt is more out there. She's always trying to motivate Lafayette to do more with themself, though to could be seen as a bit aggressive at times. Though Hoyt is always more willing to do more of the dirty work than Lafayette, she still had her limits.Once the two became more weary of what Bram was doing, and after he was gone, the pair fled with Bellamy, hoping that a new place would be better for him.

Name: Lafayette Schermerhorn
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them - afab)
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: Bellamy ("adoptive son")
Friend(s): Hoyt
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: Lafayette and Hoyt were two more of Bram’s lil workers, one he had even before reaching Saraka despite being fairly young at the time. These two were entrusted to watch over and hide Bellamy after his transformation due to Bram not wanting his wife and other close workers knowing he experimented on someone so young.Lafayette is a sweet fella. They tend to want to be out of the way of most things, so they never really did any of the more dangerous tasks Bram would have others do. It gets to the point that it comes off that it looks Lafayette doesn't think too highly of themself and just wishes to stay out of the limelight.Once the two became more weary of what Bram was doing, and after he was gone, the pair fled with Bellamy, hoping that a new place would be better for him.

Name: Sigourney Stone
Gender: Female (she/her)
Breed: New Zealand Huntaway/English Pointer mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Gloria and Hogan Stone (parents)
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: This is Sigourney, daughter of Gloria and Hogan Stone. Like her mother, Sigourney can be rather uptight and wants things done her way. But unlike her mother, she sometimes may do something that isn't entirely the right thing to do if it seems to be the only way out of a situation.
Despite being next in line to be in charge of her city, Sigourney chooses to be apart of the city's Tetrad. She rather likes to be more hands-on in dealing with issues. Sigourney might reconsider one day, but for now, she's happy just being able to roam and interact with others when she wants.

Name: Reggie Stolm
Age: 42
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute mix
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: August 10th
Personality Traits:
Family: Bruce Stolm (brother), Brutus and Lesley Stolm (parents), John/Tabou (foster father)
Friend(s): Ray Princeton
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Bruce Stolm (Brutus Stolm the Second/Brutus Stolm Jr.)
Age: 45
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'4"
Breed: Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute mix
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: December 15th
Personality Traits: caring, level-headed,
Family: Reggie Stolm (brother), Brutus and Lesley Stolm (parents), John/Tabou McDowell (foster father)
Friend(s): Ray Princeton, Maryann Turner
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: The older brother of Reggie, Bruce is still very caring of him despite his brother's actions. He watches over him as well as everyone else he works with, wanting to try to steer Reggie back onto the path of good. He's intelligent, often working with the Healthcare and robotics for the city's sweepers. Despite his skill, he might beat himself up from either being conscious of his lazy eye, or feeling like he's failed his brother.

Name: Ray Princeton
Age: 41
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'10"
Breed: Leonberger
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: March 20th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Reggie and Bruce Stolm
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Garon Dresden
Age: 36
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'3
Breed: Cane Corso/Tosa Inu Mix
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Lyn Harris
Age: 38
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'9"
Breed: Kangal/Caucasian Shepherd mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Baxton Harris (brother)
Friend(s): Metuchen, Bruce, John/Tabou, Maryann
Love Interest: N/A
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Baxton Harris
Age: 35
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'5"
Breed: Kangal/Caucasian Shepherd mix
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: March 13th
Personality Traits: child-like, protective, cheerful
Family: Lyn Harris (sister)
Friend(s): Metuchen, Bruce, John/Tabou, Maryann
Love Interest: Metuchen (?)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info:

Name: Bram Romero
Age: late 50's/early 60's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5'10"
Breed: Cumberland Sheepdog (?)
Personality Traits:
Family: Metuchen Romero (son)
Friend(s): York Sullivan
Love Interest: Theresa Romero (wife)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: A man of science. Sort of. Bram learned the ways of heightening his magical abilities due to being weak all of his younger years, using said magic to strengthen himself. Because of his frail nature and the struggles that result from it, he grew to detest Astria, thinking it was her fault she made him this way, forcing him to suffer. As he got older, he started using his abilities to help persuade folks to listen to him, to the point of almost brainwashing.

Name: Theresa Romero
Age: late 50's/early 60's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'4"
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: Metuchen Romero (son)
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: Bram Romero (husband)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Bit of Info: This is Theresa, Bram’s big scary wife! She plays a role in her husband’s mission to “better” other Hunderians by helping make sure things are handled smoothly. Theresa’s stern and takes her position seriously. Bram has helped her earlier in life and wishes to continue to assist him in his awful delusions. She’s prone to anger and will snap at anyone who even remotely questions her. She’s even snapped at Bram several times. Theresa will do anything to maintain order and respect.

Name: Alicia Hardin
Age: mid 40's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: Ibizan Hound
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): York Sullivan
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info: Alicia is one of Bram's partners in crime. She's tough, smart, and handles more of the trickier dirty work. She has an underlying feeling of uneasiness towards Bram, not fully knowing what his intentions are. But even then, she does her best to keep whatever he's doing under wraps so the wrong people don't find out about it.Alicia often finds herself butting heads with Bram's other henchmen, having to put them in check. And despite not wanting any of her own for a long while, she has a little soft spot for kids. She makes sure Bram's son is safe, since he can't be bothered to do so himself sometimes.

Name: York Sullivan
Age: mid 40's
Gender: male (he/him)
Height: 6'4"
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits: loyal, brutal,
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Smith, Thaddeus, Peyton,
Love Interest: Alicia Hardin
A Bit of Info: York is Bram's other partner in crime. He's just one of Bram's successful test subjects of making bigger, stronger Hunderians. He's in charge of all the "altered" Hunderians, using them to scare people into submission to join Bram's ideals. York joined him through the same means, but did wish to see if he could become a more powerful person than he already was.
He's more loyal to Bram than Alicia is, sometimes clashing with each other on what he does at times. York can also be a very vicious fighter, having had killed several people by accident for not keeping his strength in check. Though sometimes he wishes he doesn't have to fight anyone at all.

Name: Thaddeus Whittaker
Age: late 40's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'1"
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): York, Smith, Peyton
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info: This is Thaddeus! He was the first out of the group to join Bram. He's the most uncaring out of the three, not reacting to much of anything. He can be a bit blunt because of this, not really caring how someone would feel in response. Though when York came and was made to be in charge of his group, he does show respect and does have a bit of admiration for him.

Name: Smith Barker
Age: early 40's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'1"
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): York, Thaddeus, Peyton
Love Interest:
A Bit of Info: This is Smith! He's the most laid back of the three. He was the second one to join Bram in the group, coming in not too far behind Thaddeus. He's a bit more expressive despite that going against what Bram had in mind for his "test subjects". Like Thaddeus, he isn't afraid to let others know what's on his mind, but in a more reasonable way. But he's a pretty chill guy that just has an aura around him that makes others wanna be around him!

Name: Peyton McCoy
Age: early 40's
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them - afab)
Height: 6'
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): York, Thaddeus, Smith
Love Interest:
A Bit of Info: This is Peyton! The most recent member to join Bram. They were just a simple person who ended up making it through Bram's experiment after a "drought" of new powered up recruits. This surprised everyone who didn't think they'd make it, earning everyone's respect. They're a rather nervous person who tends to question things that may get on Bram's nerves. But they're a sweetheart, but pretends to unfeeling around the others.

Name: Bellamy Glendale
Age: 54
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: Hoyt Fulton and Lafayette Schermerhorn ("adoptive parents")
Friend(s): Auburn Hawkins, Mia Moore
Love Interest: LaGuardia Hawkins
A Bit of Info: This is Bellamy. Someone who used to follow Bram after being transformed by him. He was at the time the youngest member to go through with the experiment after running away from his home. He appeared to be a very angry kid, which stayed with him into adulthood. He only ever respected Bram and those close to him and after he was gone, Bellamy took off to a new town.He ended up being a criminal, doing mainly theft to get by til he ended up committing murder (accidentally). The city's Tetrad caught wind of his actions and tracked him for days, hunting him down out of the city. Bellamy is very brash, and willing to do anything just to get something he wants. He normally likes to work alone but if it seems like someone could benefit him somehow, someway, he'll let them tag along. Or at least, he makes himself look like that. Others wonder if he's truly as bad as he appears.

Name: LaGuardia Hawkins
Age: 61
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'3"
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: Auburn Hawkins (brother)
Friend(s): Mia Moore
Love Interest: Bellamy Glendale
A Bit of Info: "These are LaGuardia and Mia. Not a whole lot is known about them, but they used to work for Bram as well. They were similar to Bellamy, young people who ran off from awful home lives to get help from Bram."
LaGuardia is a very strict guy, who hates when anything he plans goes to shit even slightly. He is often viewed as slightly manipulative I'm the way he talks to others. He is rarely ever seen doing any sort of dirty work, will usually have someone else to do it for him.

Name: Mia Moore
Age: 60
Gender: Female (she/they/it)
Height: 6'
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): LaGuardia Hawkins, Bellamy Glendale
Love Interest: Auburn Hawkins
A Bit of Info: "These are LaGuardia and Mia. Not a whole lot is known about them, but they used to work for Bram as well. They were similar to Bellamy, young people who ran off from awful home lives to get help from Bram."
Mia, the more obnoxious one, LaGuardia's nerves. She's very talkative and will strike up a conversation at any moment. She is often one of the ones LaGuardia has do the work for him but she doesn't mind it, seeing as that she idolizes and even has a slight crush on him, despite also being with Auburn.

Name: Auburn Hawkins
Age: 58
Gender: Male (he/they)
Height: 6'
Breed: Mongrel
Personality Traits:
Family: LaGuardia Hawkins (brother)
Friend(s): Bellamy Glendale
Love Interest: Mia Moore
A Bit of Info: This is Auburn, LaGuardia's younger brother. He didn't get to hang out with his brother much while growing up unless absolutely necessary due to LaGuardia finding him just as annoying as Mia.
Auburn is very reckless and is 100% willing to do any sort of dirty work he is told to do. Even killing someone, which admittedly LaGuardia likes about his little bro because sometimes he doesn't want to do that himself. Auburn and Mia get along great. Too great.

Name: Bernard Great
Age: 79
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'5"
Breed: Irish Wolfhound
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: July 24th
Personality Traits: jolly, stern, wise
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Hidori Hotoke, Konnan Driscoll, Damien Stensen
Love Interest: Laura Great (wife)
A Bit of Info:

Name: Metuchen (Met) Romero
Age: 38
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: Mongrel
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Birthday: October 1st
Personality Traits:
Family: Bram and Theresa Romero (parents)
Friend(s): Baxton, Lyn
Love Interest: Reggie (?), Baxton (?)
A Bit of Info:

Name: Damien Stensen
Age: late 40's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'1"
Breed: American Akita mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Zane and Lance Stensen (sons)
Friend(s): Bernard, Konnan, Hidori, Brutus, Gloria, Hogan
Love Interest: Sarah Stensen (wife)
A Bit of Info: This is Damien, the mayor of Saraka. He is kindhearted to a fault, wanting to befriend anyone he comes across. He is a bit of an airhead, sometimes making brainless decisions that often end up having his associates suggest better versions of his ideas. Damien's kindness allows makes it hard for him to be confrontational. He could never yell at anyone let alone get into a fight.These traits do bother him, and he constantly tries to better himself. It sometimes bothers him to the point he beats himself up, feeling as though he's never going to live up to how his father before him was. Even though he doesn't like how he is at times, his citizens still love him.

Name: Sarah Stensen
Age: late 40's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: Japanese Akita mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Zane and Lance Stensen (sons)
Friend(s): Laura, Naomi, Lesley, Aria, Gloria, Hogan
Love Interest: Damien Stensen (husband)
A Bit of Info: This is Sarah, Damien's wife, Zane and Lance's mother. A very bubbly woman, who often times says that she feels like Damien's babysitter with how other he would just almost do something dumb she has to stop him from. Often the most lively one out of all the wives, she's usually the one to start up something like it's a party.

Name: Joyce Driscoll
Age: early 100's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
Personality Traits:
Family: Konnan Driscoll (son)
Friend(s): Holden, Damien
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info: Joyce is the mother of Konnan, and a former member of the Tetrad before him. She's stern, she's temperamental, and she will throw down. She was the brute force of her group, being the first to mow through a crowd of thugs. Her scars are from all the fights she's had over the years, and even after losing an arm in one of them, it didn't stop her.Joyce cares a lot about her son, to the point that she left her husband due to him being an incompetent asshole for Konnan's safety when he was young. She even changed their last name back to her maiden name so he didn't have to grow up with that "burden". But as time went on and she grew older, she couldn't fight as well as she used to. Now Joyce is one of the advisers for Damien and his new Tetrad, despite her feeling like she can still be of use otherwise.

Name: Holden Hotoke
Age: early 100's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'
Breed: German Shephard
Personality Traits:
Family: Hidori Hotoke (son)
Friend(s): Joyce, Damien
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info: Holden is the father of Hidori and was another former member of the previous Tetrad. He can be a bit hot-headed like Joyce, but he would rather try to talk things out if he's given the chance. He comes off as a well-mannered, calm person, and is pleasant to talk to. He holds some feelings towards Joyce, admiring her independence.
He was the stealth of the group, being called "The Shadow" due to his pitch-black coat, and ability to creep around others without being seen or heard. Though through age, he lost his rich black fur color, eye, and his flexibility. Like Joyce, he's become Damien's adviser and feels like there's more that he can do, but he keeps to himself about it.

Name: Aria Driscoll
Age: 74
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'
Breed: Saluki
Personality Traits:
Family: Rose and Violet Driscoll (daughters)
Friend(s): Laura, Naomi, Lesley, Sarah, Gloria, Hogan
Love Interest: Konnan Driscoll (husband)
A Bit of Info:

Name: Violet Driscoll
Age: 40
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'11"
Breed: Saluki/Tibetan Mastiff mix
Personality Traits:
Family: Rose Driscoll (sister), Konnan and Aria Driscoll (parents)
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:

Name: Jonathan (Tabou) McDowell
Age: 75
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'3"
Breed: Greenland Dog
Birthday: September 21st
Personality Traits:
Family: Bruce and Reggie Stolm (adoptive sons)
Friend(s): Ray Princeton, Lyn and Baxton Harris, Metuchen Romero, Brutus and Lesley Stolm
Love Interest: Maryann Turner
A Bit of Info:

Name: Maryann Turner
Age: 67
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'4"
Breed: Pharaoh Hound/Aidi mix
Birthday: February 20th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Bruce Stolm, Ray Princeton, Lyn and Baxton Harris
Love Interest: Johnathan (Tabou) McDowell
A Bit of Info:

Name: Naomi Hotoke
Age: mid 40's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'10"
Breed: German Shepherd
Personality Traits:
Family: Thomas Hotoke (son), Shigure Hotoke (son)
Friend(s): Laura, Sarah, Lesley, Aria, Gloria, Hogan
Love Interest: Hidori Hotoke (husband)
A Bit of Info: This is Naomi, Hidori's wife, Thomas and Shigure's mother. She has an outwardly cold appearance that might seem off putting to others. But, unlike Lesley, she's a very talkative person who is willing to befriend others. She will often step up and try to be the one to take charge in situations. This makes the other wives see her as more of a leader in their little group.

Name: Laura Great
Age: late 40's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'9"
Breed: Hovawart
Personality Traits:
Friend(s): Naomi, Sarah, Lesley, Aria, Gloria, Hogan
Love Interest: Bernard Great (husband)
A Bit of Info: She's the most laid back out of all the wives, pretty much just going with the flow of everything. She loves to cook, which is great for Bernard who loves to hold big barbaques. She's sweet and rarely gets mad about anything. It'd have to be something really serious to piss Laura off.

Name: Rowland Stensen
Age: late 90's
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'5"
Breed: American Akita (mix)
Personality Traits:
Family: Damien Stensen (son)
Friend(s): Joyce Driscoll, Holden Hotoke
Love Interest: Dahila Celeste Stensen (wife)
A Bit of Info:
Rowland is one of the long line of mayors of Saraka. With a constant pissed expression and an intimidating voice and demeanor, he comes off as someone who's not very approachable. But he just takes making sure his city is safe and running very seriously. This shows a lot towards his son Damien, since wants him to be dit to take over after his time is over.
Rowland can be very kind and willing to just hang out, if you can get past that rough exterior. Will gladly have a few beers with you.

Name: Dahila Celeste Stensen
Age: late 90's
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 6'2"
Breed: American Akita
Personality Traits:
Family: Damien Stensen (son)
Friend(s): Joyce Driscoll, Holden Hotoke
Love Interest: Rowland Stensen (husband)
A Bit of Info:
Dahlia is Rowland's wife. Someone who also takes the rules seriously, buuuut is willing to bend them a bit if she feels that it would benefit more people. She finds herself often needing to help people get used to how Rowland acts. It also ends up making people gravitate to her first if the two are together.
Dahlia is sweet and tends to also help out with training patrol members since she's a pretty good fighter.

Name: Daisy Satamori
Age: 40
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'11"
Breed: German Long-Haired Pointer
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Kayla White
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:
This is Daisy, she, along with Kayla, are part of the newest class of recruits training to work under the city's Tetrad. They are often seen together and are usually referred to as "The Twins" by everyone else.
Daisy is the calmer one of the two. Soft-spoken and kind, she is someone who finds it hard to speak up for herself. She joined the training to push herself to be more outspoken and tougher, similar to how Kayla is.

Name: Kayla White
Age: 36
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5'8"
Breed: Rough Collie
Birthday: March 12th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Daisy Satamori
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:
This is Daisy, she, along with Kayla, are part of the newest class of recruits training to work under the city's Tetrad. They are often seen together and are usually referred to as "The Twins" by everyone else.
Kayla is the more outgoing one of the two. She often talks for both herself and Daisy, whether it was asked for or not. Kayla joined the training because she felt (and totally was not told) that she should put her energy to something good.

Name: Klaude Sheraton
Age: early 100's
Gender: Male (he/they)
Height: 6'1"
Breed: Irish Setter
Birthday: May 16th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): Rowland Stensen, Holden Hotoke, Joyce Driscoll
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:

Name: Helmetta Vallejo
Age: early 90's
Gender: Male (he/they)
Height: 6'1"
Breed: Norweigan Lundehund
Birthday: May 7th
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:
This is Helmetta, and there's not a whole lot known about him, except that he was an old love of Rowland's. Helmetta is often very talkative and comes off as a well-meaning, guy. But, he can also be a snarky p.o.s who has a personal vendetta against Rowland. After some drama and an incident years ago that led to their breakup, Helmetta has been holding in his anger for so long.
He also has an obsession with the god Helm which honestly should've been a red flag for Rowland. He even had his name changed to Helmetta to be similar and wearing his Helm medallion everywhere.

Name: Royce
Age: N/A
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: N/A
Breed: Kai Ken
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits: N/A
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
Name: Aerozol
Age: N/A
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: N/A
Breed: Doberman
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits: N/A
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:
Royce is Reggie's asshole right hand man, doing whatever the guy said. Aerozol is his cowardly partner who often has to be pushed to do literally anything.
Honestly who cares.

Name: Townsy
Gender: Male (he/him)
Breed: Japanese Akita
A Bit of Info:
Townsy is the creation of Damien. He wanted to create a character that would be the representative of Saraka, so he based it on the city founder, Townsend.
While he's not supposed to have a personality, in his appearances, he comes off as just a nice lil helpful guy.

Name: Astria
Age: N/A
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: Can change her height (standard is 6'4 in normal/"humanoid" form)
Breed: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits: mother figure, kind, sorrowful
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:
Astria is the newest god and creator of the Hunderian race. she's timid and grown to be unsure of herself after the conflict between the humans and Hunderians. She still cares a lot about her "children" and is still seen as a motherly figure to Hunderians, despite her lack of involvement the past few centuries.

Name: Atumult / Burgundy / Clancy
Age: N/A
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6'7"
Breed: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits: cocky, selfish, sinister
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:

Name: Grey / Vanderbilt
Age: N/A
Gender: Nonbinary (they/him)
Height: 6'4"
Breed: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info:

Name: Dark Helm / Pitch / Chambers
Age: N/A
Gender: Male (he/they)
Height: 6'5"
Breed: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Personality Traits:
Family: N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Love Interest: N/A
A Bit of Info: